Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lydia listened intently as the rain beat down upon her window pane. They did need the rain, but....

Lydia was desperate for sun. The rain had been falling for two days, a steady stream of crisp water trickling from an ever-present grey sky. What she wouldn't give for just two hours of warm daylight to enjoy and lose herself in for a little while. Not to mention the house seemed cooler when the rain was falling, just a little bit more empty. Chris had been gone a month now. Hopefully the rain was helping the grass around his grave-spot grow in. Fresh green grass would be so much more inviting to sit upon than the newly turned dirt that was an all too painful reminder he was new to that area, and gone from hers.


Austin, Krista, Bayley & Myley said...

Ok, Kristy, something has been wrong with my cookies on here... so I didn't even see that you had posted on my 50 word sorry!!! Anyway, I really miss this! Great story!

Austin, Krista, Bayley & Myley said...

Sherry didn't know what she would do without her big brother. He had been her rock all these years. She had known he was depressed, but she had no idea how much until...