Thursday, October 2, 2008

The leaves whispered to the trees as the cool breeze circled the neighborhood... it was eerie the way the only sound to be heard was the trees...

This was exactly what she needed. If all of Jessica's cares boiled down to the sound of the wind whipping through the trees then everything just might be right in her world, but it wasn't. Most days all she could feel was the painful race of her heart as days mounted with stress and insurmountable obstacles. She had only dreamed of a retreat like this. Mike knew she needed this get-a-way more than anything so he had loaded her on the next available flight out to Maine and a little bed and breakfast that waited to sweep her off into another world altogether. Jessica didn't need the bed and breakfast for that - her thoughts did a fine job all by themselves.


Austin, Krista, Bayley & Myley said...

I'm back with a vengeance! I promise to be a better fiction blogger again! :)

Austin, Krista, Bayley & Myley said...

The large, heavy oak door massively covered the entrance to the building...Erica reached up to grasp the cold, metal handle....